“Loving you in God, I cannot speak any other language. That we may be happy in the ages of eternity is the fervent New Year wish of your affectionate friend. – To an intimate friend.”
As you came in to our website, you saw the beautiful image of three saints: St. Elizabeth Seton in the center, St. Vincent de Paul to the left, and St. Louise de Marillac to the right. They are the patrons and spiritual foundation of our religious community, the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill. Following the life of the three saints we hold the common vision to concretize the charism of charity wherever we are in different parts of the world: the United States, South Korea, China, and Ecuador, where our 350 sisters are living and working with one single motto: “The Charity of Christ urges us.”
Having two major provinces, one in North America and one in East Asia, we strive to build an intercultural community where the fire of Pentecost embraces our hearts, actions, and relationships with all peoples and the entire creation. You will encounter living examples of simplicity, humility and charity in the following pages of our history and present ministry. Thank you for sharing our life by your interest, support, and prayers!
To make a prayer request: click this picture
As Sisters of Charity we urge our friends and supporters to join us in prayer during these days of national distress. The issues are many; the kinds of pain are diverse. They call for our intense prayer.
We pray for George Floyd, Breona Taylor and Ahuad Arbery, for their families and all traumatized by their murders
For demonstrators whose attempts to call attention to horrific injustice were co-opted,
For African Americans who regularly suffer from systemic injustice,
For each of us affected and infected by racism that divides us,
For awareness and a will to address and change systems that oppress our citizens.
Join us, please, as we pray to the Holy Spirit for the fire of compassion and love,
for the gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, and fortitude with which to face these tragic realities and to act to change them.
You and Your Loved Ones are in Our Prayers
The news media focus relentlessly on the number of COVID-19 infected, hospitalized and deceased. We ache with the exhausted healthcare workers and fear alongside our grocery clerks and delivery people. We isolate and wear masks. We yearn for the green grass outside our windows. Our cities and churches are empty, yet filled with God’s Amazing Grace.
At birth, each beloved deceased was welcomed into a family and carried about as a precious treasure. Infected with COVID-19, during illness and at passing, each beloved is gently welcomed by The One who wrote the beloved’s name in the palm of God’s hand. We, left behind, querry. Why him? Why Her? Why not me? Why can’t I touch? Touch we do, as we find our name written in the palm of that same Divine hand where Love and Hope and Trust vanish isolation and quarantine. We are held in the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. We know deeply that Amazing Grace that fills us and calls out from us to the entire world, wounded by COVID-19.
As Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill we always invite you into our prayer. We will stand alongside you as we pray for you and your loved ones. If you would like, we can link you with the opportunity to receive a Sister Prayer Partner. Please click on the picture above to make your prayer request. We are always here for you.
Message from the General Superior
My Dear Sisters and Friends,
Your love and prayers have safely seen me through these past 14 days of self-isolation! I have been fine throughout this time and I feel great now. I thought it would be best to self-isolate on returning to the U.S.A. for the safety of our sisters and all those around me. I did not develop a cough nor did I have an elevated temperature. I have been faithfully taking my temperature many times during the day and it has been fine.
Before going to Korea the Coronavirus was not bad at all but after arriving there the situation became worse. I was able to attend our Final Vow Mass, the Mission Sending and renewal of Temporary profession and also the opening Mass for our 150th and 60th Anniversary in Korea. Because of the restrictions for the Coronavirus all outside guests were not able to come. Imagine the disappointment of the families of the three sisters making final vows when they found out they could not attend this special event. Also, only the sisters from the Provincial House and nearby Eunhae Community attended these liturgies. The Celebrant of the Final Vow Liturgy was Bishop Ok Hyeon Simon Jin and his genuine concern and his deep spirituality brought peace and joy to the celebration. The three sisters, Sisters Yeon Jeong Choi, Yi Yeon Baek and Young Mi Bae, who made final vows said that my being there was a source of much encouragement and love.
While in Korea I cancelled any outside meetings and gatherings and spent all of my time with our sisters. Even though I had to change many of my plans it was a blessed time to be with and support our sisters during this difficult time. It has been a blessing that none of our sisters or their relatives in Korea or China have the Coronavirus.
This is a difficult time for everyone all over the world but we have to be patient with the limitations it puts on our daily lives. We have lots to pray for and many people who depend on our prayers. Let us continue to be united in faith and hope remembering that God will give us the strength we need. I will truly remember this Lenten Season! I think we all will!
Sister Jane Ann Cherubin, SC
Link to the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill US & Korean Provinces
Link to Vincentian Family & Sisters of Charity Federation