Sharing Our Life

Our entire world is working to discover new ways to communicate while social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic and virtual gatherings are becoming the new normal. We Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill have a long experience at designing new and creative ways to communicate across time zones, countries, cultures and languages.

The Sharing Our Life (by Zoom) program furthers those efforts. Several times a year the sisters gather by Zoom to share and learn about experiences around the world. We invite you to also share by watching the videos.

  • Our First Presenter Sr. Melanie DiPietro who will tell us about her recent experience in Ethiopia. Her title is “I AM THE LORD OF THE DANCE!” -

Sisters of St. Joseph Intercultural High School introduce the school


Life at the Motherhouse Caritas Christi

Sharing of Theresa day care center 1

Seton Hill University - 1

Hospital Chaplain Ministry - Sr. Colette Hanlon

This presentation is Seton Arts Service Corps focusing transforming the lives of children through the arts

Sharing life of the family center, gangjin

Sharing of theresa day care center 2

Seton Hill University - 2

Introducing the lovely life at the Margaret Child Center


Sharing of Mary House, Uniontown

sharing of Seton bakery

Korean Provincial House

Intercultural Experience of Charism and Ministry (IECM)

Baking with students at the School for Children with Disabilities Ecuador
Sisters of Charity teaching students at the School for Children with Disabilities Ecuador
Sisters of Charity teaching students at the School for Children with Disabilities Ecuador

The  Intercultural Experience of our charity Charism and Mission (IECM)  program begins with four days of input and sharing on the charity charism followed by ten days in Ecuador focused on shared ministry at our mission in rural Pedro Carbo and opportunity for cultural touring.  The Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill administer and staff a school INESEM (Instituto de Educación Especial Nuestra Senõra de Las Mercedes) School for Children with Disabilities and a small clinic (Clínica Maternidad Nuestra Senõra de las Mercedes) in Ecuador. 

The IECM program at various times involves the use of English, Korean, and Spanish language.  Korean – English and Spanish – English translation is provided. It is a mind- and heart-expanding opportunity packed into two weeks. The experience includes some charism immersion and some cultural immersion as well as mission and ministry in Pedro Carbo, and is certainly an experience of internationality. 

Highlights of the IECM Program:

  • Time spent on review and reflection of our charism provides a refresher and deepening of what we already know but now hear when we are at a different moment of life and with people who have a different vantage point. 

  • Travel to Ecuador; experiencing the people, school and clinic, the culture and the poverty in Pedro Carbo is a brief immersion to the southern hemisphere.

  • Sharing—language gaps notwithstanding—with other Sisters of Charity, the students, faculty, and staff provides a wider world view and the potential of new relationships.

Sisters of Charity in the IECM Program in Ecuador
Sisters of Charity in the IECM Program in Ecuador