Look up, my love, and be thankful for the good that yet remains. – To a friend
— Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

As you came in to our website, you saw the beautiful image of three saints: St. Elizabeth Seton in the center, St. Vincent de Paul to the left, and St. Louise de Marillac to the right.  They are the patrons and spiritual foundation of our religious community, the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill. Following the life of the three saints we hold the common vision to concretize the charism of charity wherever we are in different parts of the world: the United States, South Korea, China, and Ecuador, where our 284 sisters are living and working with one single motto: “The Charity of Christ urges us.”

Having two major provinces, one in North America and one in East Asia, we strive to build an intercultural community where the fire of Pentecost embraces our hearts, actions, and relationships with all peoples and the entire creation. You will encounter living examples of simplicity, humility and charity in the following pages of our history and present ministry. Thank you for sharing our life by your interest, support, and prayers! 


Message from the General Superior


Greetings to Sisters, Friends, and Visitors to our website, 

The year 2025 is an exciting time for the Church. Pope Francis has declared it a “jubilee year” with the theme “PILGRIMS OF HOPE.” Pope Francis shared an inspirational document to institute this special time titled Hope does not disappoint. One quote from that document I’d like to share is “Everyone knows what it is to hope. In the heart of each person, hope dwells as the desire and expectation of good things to come, despite our not knowing what the future may bring.” This speaks well, I think, to situations in our world today – climate change, political changes, wars, disasters, and other chaos and upheavals – indeed we can have questions and concerns in our hearts about today and the future. Yet we are called to hope, confident in the loving presence of Jesus Christ as our guide.

      A similar phrase: “The Charity of Christ urges us” has been the inspiration and guide to ministry of the Sisters of Charity from the beginnings of our foundation. In the summer of 2024, we held a special international meeting to look again at how we Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill respond today to Christ’s urgings. One of the outcomes of the meeting was a Vision Statement for our international congregation. When setting the vision, we looked to the past, the present and then the future. Part of the opening reads “… we find ourselves on the edge of discovery of a new way of being into the future. We commit ourselves to be prophets of peace in our world, shining Christ’s light for all people and Creation.”  You can read the complete statement below.

       Like many religious congregations of women our numbers are smaller and our ages greater yet to serve in prayer and action is to focus not upon limitations but the gift of our charism of charity, given to share with the church, with you, and with all the wounded places of our world.  Our foundress, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton said: “Faith lifts the staggering soul upon one side, Hope supports it on the other. Experience says it must be, and Love says – let it be.” May her words serve as a guide on our journey together to shine the light of Christ for all.

Sister Carole Marie Blazina, SC




“The Charity of Christ Urges Us”


To make a prayer request: click the picture

Link to the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill US & Korean Provinces


Link to Vincentian Family & Sisters of Charity Federation